Sunday, June 11, 2006


I'm beginning to feel lost without my TV shows, almost a withdrawl! I know the summer's going to fly by and my shows will start before I know it, but it's even missing a little more than just the show. Let me show you what I mean:

Can you say YUM? Yep, going through withdrawls of this! Can you blame me? Of course I have my totally hot hubby, but a little extra eye candy never hurts!!


justem said...

You are sooooo my tv soul sister!!! These are my two favorite guys!! (And yes, I miss them, too!)

Unknown said...

Hot, hot, hot!

Unknown said...

I now see why you will be visiting often!!!!LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm suffering without my shows too. Great pix for a reminder! :)

~Robyn Weatherspoon said...

As I always say,"You crack me up!!"